First of all I want to alert you all of something really crappy here is the link.
After you've read the article click here to see what brands are the best and worst.
It really stinks that toilet paper is made from old growth and eucalyptus, butt we can wipe this problem together. All puns asside, I think we should all start using recycled toilet paper and tell our friends about this too.After you've read the article click here to see what brands are the best and worst.
Do you remember a little less than one year ago the entry at the pond? Recently we went back to the same pond, and saw the critters below. We were a little too early in the season to see lots of frogs, but in a couple of weeks or so we'll go back there for the frog mating season. The picture below is of a young rough skinned newt who was about 3 inches long.
This banana slug was in our driveway, and Mom and I moved him. Did you know the banana slug is the official mascot at UC Santa Cruz?
A colony of ants
Awhile ago we went to an area of Maggie colloquially called the Fairyland. There are 2 places on Maggie called fairylands. They're called that because there's something magical about them.
This fallen tree forms an arch that leads into the OtherworldMany fairies live in, under, and on top of this tree.
This bathtub is sitting in the middle of the Fairy Land and no one knows why. It may have some piping going into the ground.
The Fairyland
Home of fairies
If you believe